Friday, August 8, 2008

You Call It Joggin'

If anyone watches any of the Mazda London Triathlon this weekend, you will be watching the area around my flat. On the map, my flat is next to the #3 markers and almost in front of #2 (water side). I won't have a clear view from my flat as I face the inner courtyard area, but as soon as I step outside, I'll be on the run route!

My weekend, however, is hectic with plans both afternoons, but as Sunday races start about 7 a.m., I'll be able to watch some of that.


Howard said...

There is another athletic event this weekend that I'm more likely to watch. :)

Megs said...

LOL - It actually took me about 45 seconds to figure out what that other athletic event is. Personally, I find no pleasure in watching that "other" event, and haven't for a very long time.

Tiggs said...

are you talking about the olympics!?! I can't wait for it to come on! I'll be glued to the tube for the next 17 days!