Saturday, August 30, 2008

Time to catch up

Time to get caught up on postings since I’ve been such a slug the past few weeks! Topics to include my two weekends in Boston, Houston, and random ramblings.

But first – great news! I’ve discovered that The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are both on TV here every night (the previous night’s show from the US). How exciting – now I can get the “real” news. Two of my favorites from the US Thursday show were the phrase “Alabaster friends” to describe the ‘old white man’ scene in politics and when John Stewart said “Barack Obama has an adorable white war hero uncle?....[If I were him] every time I campaign down south I’m having him strapped into a Baby Bjorn.” Classic.


Anonymous said...

Megs, welcome back!

Be sure to catch tonight's Daily Show (dated September 2, 2008). I won't spoil the surprise, but I will say their ability to combine Palin, Gustav, Katrina, the Superdome, and The Weather Channel in one episode is most certainly a candidate for an Emmy. Best TDS I've ever seen, hands down.

Does your channel replay the next day? If so, hopefully you can catch the episode!

Megs said...

Thanks! I'll watch it tonight (Sept 3rd). I think I'm going to start living in a parallel mental universe like I did when West Wing was on air (pretending he was our president). I'll start pretending all media is like John Stewart.