Saturday, August 30, 2008


Ok, no laughing, I for some unknown odd reason, have had the urge to cook rather than consume my normal grilled cheese or bowl of cereal for dinner. And I've learned my lesson.

If a recipe ever calls for anything “stuffed”, ignore it. I should’ve learned my lesson 15 years ago when I used to make spinach/ricotta manicotti. While they taste great, it’s about the messiest food prep ever. But, obviously memory fades over time, hence I tried a recipe for spinach/goat cheese stuffed chicken. Tasted ok (well, rather bland) and was extremely messy and somewhat difficult stuffing those breasts. And, they didn’t taste nearly as good as when my friend Betsy would make random stuffed chicken entrees without a recipe – just from the depths of her amazing cooking brain.

And, why is it people freak out if raw chicken is around but not raw beef or pork? What is it with chickens that makes salmonella (or whatever it is) a risk, but you can touch other raw meat without having to rush to the sink at the first blush of contact?

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