Friday, July 4, 2008


Happy 4th of July!!!

I'm spending the day at work, but will do tourist stuff this weekend. My friend Angela is in town this weekend (today until Sunday a.m.) (she and I were both on XO House Corps at Tufts in Boston) - she's interning in the JAG program at a military base outside Frankfurt and thus has today off (her blog link is on the right - she's done lots of travelling!). She's out being a tourist today while I'm at work.

It's not weird at all to be working on the 4th because you don't even really realize it's the 4th of July, other than a date on the calendar. No signs, no sales, no parties, etc. mentioned. Maybe there is mention in the Metro (free "news"paper), but I don't read that. I'm not really in an ex-pat community, so no one's having bbqs or anything (actually, I'm not really in any community at all!).

1 comment:

Nancy said...

M and H and I did our regular 4th at the Jersey shore. It rained mostly, was cloudy all the time. We still had fun though. The group is a really fun one. So we ate and drank and talked for the weekend. Nothing wrong with that, except for my waistline, which seems to be expanding!