Thursday, January 15, 2009

She went to Paris

My first day in Paris...I'm sitting in my temporary accommodations, waiting for the movers to delivery my temporary things... A friend/colleague sent me this link from the NYT for the article In the Lap of Luxury, Paris Squirms.

It's a great read - some interesting points raised, and insight into French/Paris culture (culture in which, I can assure you, I never have nor never will take part!). From the article, this really says it all - "Only in France is the recession lauded for posing a crisis in value."

1 comment:

Tiggs said...

“We have no budget, we do what we want and throwing money out the window brings money back in through the front door,” he said. “The bottom line is that I don’t deal with the bottom line. The luxury in my life is I never have to think about it.” be Mr. Lagerfield....