Saturday, June 6, 2009


That's how many hours of sleep I got yesterday / last night, between a 2 hour nap in the afternoon and 12 hours at night, only waking up twice. I don't feel 100% due to this cold, but at least I'm not the walking zombie I was yesterday!

Two big news items : 

1) I got my Carte de Sejour yesterday, which is basically my residency permit card allowing me to live here for longer than they allow tourists. Now, due to a mix-up with UK Immigration at Gare du Nord in Paris, I have to go have a meeting or two with them so the UK can reinstate my work permit (long story and not that interesting).

2) I got 2 tickets to see Jimmy Buffett in London on Sunday, July 5th!!!!!!!!! Any takers?

This summer will be great : 
July : Buffett in London, Bruce in Brest (France), holiday in Canada
August : Belfast for Tall Ships
September : Boston / Maine for friends' wedding ; Buffett in Paris 
October : Patriots at Wembley (UK)

Now, I just need to find time to actually do and see things in Paris and in France.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hope you feel better, Megs.