Tuesday, December 14, 2010


So, in packing preparation, I did the usual apartment inventory v/s my US shopping list to figure out what I need to buy in the US (and thus how much space to leave in suitcase, what bubble wrap to pack, etc)

What I realised is that I (a) am becoming a hoarder ; (b) cannot leave my apartment for way more than 2 years ; (c) have amnesia when in US and shopping at Kroger’s which then induces ; (d) panic buying.

What does a single woman need with 800 Q-Tips? Or about 200 each Advil and Tylenol? Or 4 toothbrushes? Or 325 calcium pills? Or 2 giant (aka US sized) bottles of bath soap, not counting what Marissa just gave me)?

Granted, I do feel that the 1 extra deodorant and 1 extra tube of toothpaste are not enough. And even right now in my mind I’m thinking that having 3 jars of peanut butter is ‘risky’ and I should buy 1 or 2 more, and same goes for having ‘only’ 180 multi-vitamins left. Cripes! Sure, some of the panic buying is because I fear the next time I’ll be back in familiar shopping land (Cincinnati) will be Christmas 2011, so I have to “make it through” the year, but still.

I don’t think I need a glass of wine, I need to be hit over the head with the bottle!!

1 comment:

Jody Smith said...

This post cracked me up- maybe because I just bought 600 multivitamins. :)